Wednesday, July 13, 2016

What we did in June

I enjoy combing through the program statistics, so below is a snapshot of what CCSC's staff and volunteers accomplished last month.

  • fed 820 hungry people
  • prevented 75 families from becoming homeless or living in substandard conditions
  • helped 44 people with medical needs (prescription meds, dental needs, eyeglasses)
  • gave 258 people gently used clothing
  • welcomed 30 new clients to the JobNet program and celebrated as 7 left because they found jobs
  • graduated 38 students from the Martha's Way program, equipping them to begin their new housecleaning businesses
  • generated $29,000 in sales at the Sunshine Resale Shop (these proceeds go right into CCSC's mission)
And we are on the brink of helping 6,500 at-risk students with brand new school supplies and clothing. Are you interested in volunteering at this event? See below for details or click here to sponsor a child: It's a fun event, as you can see from this picture of Jeff Holstien, one of our dedicated volunteers who has helped to lead the program in the past.


Back to School Event

Sort & Set-Up (Prepare grade-appropriate school supply packets)
Saturday; July 30, 2016  7:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Faith Lutheran Church, 4600 Bellaire Blvd @ Ave. B (just inside Loop 610)

Distribution: (Assist clients with their school supplies, vouchers, and clothing)
Friday, August 5th, 2016
7:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Saturday, August 6th, 2016
7:30 AM to 1:00 PM
Location: Faith Lutheran Church, 4600 Bellaire Blvd @ Ave. B (just inside Loop 610).
Parking Advisory: Please park in the Crosspoint Church parking lot in the back of the church – off Avenue B. Clients will park in the Faith Lutheran Parking lot for ease of access to their cars once they pick-up their supplies.