was speaking to a group earlier this year, and a woman came over, introduced
herself, and let me know that she regularly reads my blog and wondered why I
haven’t addressed “the judgmental tendencies some Christians have with the
poor”. Ouch. “Probably because I don’t want to touch that,” I thought.
But her question has stayed with
me, and I understand what she’s saying. There is a view out there that says the
poor have done something wrong and kind of deserve the situation they’re in.
I’m not a researcher so I have no
intention of writing a blog noting the latest research and statistics on the
poor. Instead, I’d like to share what I’ve seen firsthand in 20+ years of
running this ministry as well as what the Christian faith says to us about the
I believe the poor are like any other
group of people in that some are Type A while others are laid back; some are
optimistic while others are pessimistic; some have an exceptional work ethic,
often holding two or more jobs, while others will do the bare minimum to get
by. Get any group of people together and there will be different traits,
behaviors, and outlooks; we are all unique. So I don’t believe the poor are any
more likely to take advantage of others or any less likely to work hard.
In sitting across from hundreds of
clients over the years, I’ve seen everything one can imagine. I’ve seen clients
cry at their life circumstances while others had a more stoic view. I’ve seen
people accepting of their situation because they’re working to make things
better for their children, and I’ve seen people who can’t think beyond tomorrow
because the crises they’ve endured have shut down their long-term planning
abilities. I’ve seen great faith in God’s love and care as well as anger at God.
I’ve seen hunger, despair, gratitude and hope.
Over time, I’ve learned to resist
the natural human instinct to judge, even those who are unpleasant, because I
don’t know how I would react to the situations others experience. None of us
know exactly what it’s like to live another person’s experience, whether that
experience is positive or negative.
But more than that, I try really
hard to apply the lessons of the gospel: forgiving others, giving generously
without expectation of reciprocity, and not judging others, even people who are
unfair to me. Let me be clear: these teachings of Jesus are difficult, and I
fail much more often than I succeed, but it’s a rudder for who to be and how to be
in this world. So the Gospel holds me accountable for my own behavior.
Regarding the Christian scriptures,
I’m not a biblical scholar, so I reached out to some local clergy to hear their
perspectives on the poor.
Reverend Clint Reiff, Senior Pastor
of Rice Temple Baptist Church, says to ignore or deal unjustly with the poor is
a sin. Reverend Reiff states, “It is not an option or an addition to our faith,
but a command from God: it is part of His nature to love and defend the poor.
When Jesus fed the five thousand, he did not question them to see if they would
be his disciples, donate to the cause, or even ask the cause for their hunger.
He simple extended grace in the form of food. I don’t think we should search
for a reason not to help the poor, but should simply err on the side of grace.”
Reverend Reiff refers us to the
following verses of scripture:
“There will always be poor
people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your
brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land.” – Deuteronomy
“If anyone has material
possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the
love of God be in him? "- 1 John 3:17
"The righteous care about justice
for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.” - Proverbs 29:7
“Speak up for those who cannot
speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and
judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.” - Proverbs 31:8-9
Catholic social teaching is clear
that followers of Jesus are to care for the needy and those forgotten by the
world. Father Phil Lloyd from St. Theresa Catholic Church also reminds us of
how important it is to care for the poor. He lifted up this verse of scripture
for reflection:”Your abundance at the
present time should supply their needs. So that their abundance may also
supply your needs, that there may be equality.” 2 Corinthians 8:14.
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