Monday, February 1, 2016

See who we helped recently

Before CCSC’s Annual Meeting last month, our new Board President, Chris Martin, decided to immerse himself in our mission. Within 48 hours, he had visited JobNet, met with a group of current Martha’s Way students, sat through a client interview at one food pantry, and toured the other pantry, all while asking thoughtful questions.

From these field trips, he shared the following impactful stories at the Annual Meeting: 

At the food pantry, a gentleman came to us immediately after his chemotherapy appointment, understandably not feeling great. He had recently received custody of his eight-year old daughter who is the center of his life. During the interview process, he shared that finally having his daughter back with him is what keeps him going during these tough times. However, with the addition of his daughter and the medical expenses, he is struggling on his limited income.  CCSC helped this family with rental assistance and food.

At Martha’s Way, one of the students shared that she is starting her house-cleaning business to increase her income. Her daughter is currently a student at Baylor and plans to attend medical school, so she wants to make sure her daughter can pursue her dreams.

In the latter story, Chris noted that it’s a wonderful example of how CCSC’s assistance can be a long-term investment in a family.

Do you want to see how we helped other families in 2015? Click here to see a summary of last year’s work:


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